Ethan Klein: The Perfect American Liberal
Like all true Liberals in the US political scene, Ethan Klein has two opposing viewpoints which he must force together like mismatched puzzle pieces; a slew of contradictory ideas which, without proper context or understanding, seem complimentary at first glance but crumble the moment you ask a single question of validity. Indeed, claims made by Klein and those like him are commonly centered upon the multi-cultural identity of the ethno-state (contradiction), how apartheid does not exist for those in Occupied Territories (why are they occupied and by what means?), or how it is essential to domesticate these people into subservience for the Greater Good of the region (what threat exists there? Why and from whom?). They talk of Rights, of both man and State, while simultaneously ignoring that a Nation has been erased in under 100-years to get us to this point to begin with.

So You Think You’re A Liberal
Do you know what the term Liberal means? For many, it brings to mind things like socially progressive, humanist and reason-guided. In the United States, the Liberal and the Left are interchangeable, amalgamated into a singular identity which manages to span the entirety of the political spectrum from right-wing war-hawks like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to Leftist revolutionaries such as Fred Hampton, Martin Luther King Jr., Eugene Debs, and John Brown. When you look at it from this perspective, that anything that isn’t exclusively fascist must be Leftist, you fall into a trap which has been set with the explicit goal of derailing your own politicization.

The Looting of Los Angeles
There is a truth here that many are desperate to ignore: this is a class war. The rich who were able to mobilize private armies of fire fighters to protect their homes and businesses while everything their neighbors owned burned around them are turning around to point at Black and Brown young men minding their own business or seeking to save their own lives and loved ones. The politicians who were happy to allow private interests to subsume public resources as their own, who refused to stop the theft of our water, land, and opportunities in favor of those like the Wonderful Company (hope your pistachios taste like burning rubber) who have stolen some 90% of Californians’ water through underhanded manipulation of municipal levers and officials.

Land Back & Free Palestine
Palestine is precedent for all Peoples including, and especially, those who are still occupied within and by the United States in the Americas and abroad. How can Western leaders, all of which are some variant of “lawyer,” not see the writing on the wall; is this the overarching reason for Biden and the DNC’s, frankly, klannish adherence to Zionism and the Western colonialism for which it stands?

Are You Willing to Die on the Hill Biden and the Democrats Built?
As the Dixiecratic DNC drives toward the reactionary end, we are faced with a choice that can’t, in good conscience, be made.

As The Movement Grows, The Silence Becomes Deafening
The Party for Socialism and Liberation rallies outside of Starbucks in Albuquerque, NM as the company attempts to squash labor organizing within its stores.

TikTok, Trade Protectionism, and You.
It is ironic, of course, that our great Capitalist nation, the bastion of industry and free competition, has resorted to the tactics of the dreaded “socialist" to maintain their power; doing as they always do and cherry-picking the policies that they think work best for their own interests while remaining wholly blind to the inconsistencies of their logic.

Why the DNC Left the Left
“…establishment Democrats have done much worse, shedding any presuppositions of their Progressivism and exposing themselves for the blood-thirsty, virtue-signaling imperialist they have always been.”

Wasn’t International Working Womens’ Day This Weekend?
You cannot proclaim Progressive values while endorsing a President directly supplying bombs to kill women and children .