Cowardice, Complicity, or Collaboration: Democrats’ Dance With The Devil Reaching Predictable End
Commentary, Left Critique Daniel Woods Commentary, Left Critique Daniel Woods

Cowardice, Complicity, or Collaboration: Democrats’ Dance With The Devil Reaching Predictable End

They have played their part to the point of ruination, have sacrificed the very institutions which they guaranteed in furtherance of their own goals and at the expense of every American. While Democrats bemoan their minority position, their complete and resounding loss of legitimacy – their consistent right-ward movements – over the last years could have led nowhere else than our current predicament.

Do what you know to be right: condemn your lying representatives, begin to recall them, mobilize to primary every single one. If they won’t represent us, we will find who will.

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If You Aren’t Speaking Up Today, You’ve Chosen The Side of Tyranny
Commentary, Left Critique Daniel Woods Commentary, Left Critique Daniel Woods

If You Aren’t Speaking Up Today, You’ve Chosen The Side of Tyranny

The stories of Mahmoud Khalil and Jasmine Mooney tell us all we need to know about the phase of political regression in which we have found ourselves today; the monstrous, bipartisan backsteps our elected representatives have taken for 25 years have crashed into relief as we ostracize allies, condemn the freedom of expression, and begin the process of mass detainment, deportation, and dehumanization of our own neighbors.

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Ethan Klein: The Perfect American Liberal
Left Critique, Commentary Daniel Woods Left Critique, Commentary Daniel Woods

Ethan Klein: The Perfect American Liberal

Like all true Liberals in the US political scene, Ethan Klein has two opposing viewpoints which he must force together like mismatched puzzle pieces; a slew of contradictory ideas which, without proper context or understanding, seem complimentary at first glance but crumble the moment you ask a single question of validity. Indeed, claims made by Klein and those like him are commonly centered upon the multi-cultural identity of the ethno-state (contradiction), how apartheid does not exist for those in Occupied Territories (why are they occupied and by what means?), or how it is essential to domesticate these people into subservience for the Greater Good of the region (what threat exists there? Why and from whom?). They talk of Rights, of both man and State, while simultaneously ignoring that a Nation has been erased in under 100-years to get us to this point to begin with.

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The Trade Wars Are Here, And It’s Worse Than We Thought
Left Critique, Commentary Daniel Woods Left Critique, Commentary Daniel Woods

The Trade Wars Are Here, And It’s Worse Than We Thought

What many of us had long suspected has been ultimately proven correct, and as the trade war begins in earnest we will all begin to see just how insidious these tariffs will be in our every day lives. US oil companies export premium crude abroad for outrageous profits in less-developed countries, meanwhile importing cheap, sour crude for more rigorous refining at a profit at home. Do you believe that increased US oil drilling will lead to cheaper prices here, or larger profits for the oil oligarchy? Will US manufacturers lower prices for Americans or simply destroy/restrict their products to stretch out their always unreachable profit goals? Do you have the $1200/year that these tariffs are expected to cost US consumers? Can you spare $100/month to make the US administration feel good about itself?

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Trump Wants To Bully The World, The State Of American Soft Power Puts It All At Risk
Left Critique, Commentary Daniel Woods Left Critique, Commentary Daniel Woods

Trump Wants To Bully The World, The State Of American Soft Power Puts It All At Risk

US Secretary of State Marco Rubio heading to Panama and other Latin American countries as his first diplomatic mission tells us that the US has blinked. The threat of a hard power intervention showing itself as the tantrum it was and still not being enough to sway a country which could normally be easily managed through the velvet glove of diplomacy and a few $billion in economic aid. And it would be ignorant to think that Presidents Petro and Sheinbaum were oblivious to that reality in the moment, that any country could observe the outrageous opening salvo at Panama and see it as anything but a weak country with no political sway outside of the economic dependents the US calls “allies.”

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The Chaos Is The Point
Commentary, Left Critique Daniel Woods Commentary, Left Critique Daniel Woods

The Chaos Is The Point

As I’m sure you’ve guessed now: the complete whiteout created by news and alerts and senselessness is the point, the core of consolidating power elsewhere. You are meant to feel defeated and powerless, that despite the counter-lawsuits and filings being thrown up ad hoc and en masse there is no hope of ultimately stopping the rapid on-ramping of oligarchy and isolation embodied by the political elite.

(Thumbnail Credit: Adam Jones, Ph.D., CC3.0)

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All Federal Aid Halted; Who Fails First?
Commentary, Left Critique Daniel Woods Commentary, Left Critique Daniel Woods

All Federal Aid Halted; Who Fails First?

Where, after all, do you think much of this money goes when it is distributed to organizations across the country? Straight into the local economy.

Shops will stock less going forward as sanctions, tariffs (import taxes), and customer entropy begin to sink in; employers who once could reliably support ten, fifteen, or even twenty workers will now be forced to reduce to half those numbers. Those that remain, will be given extra work, pick up the slack, for the employer will layoff your peers beyond whats needed for the sake of repairing short term losses and shoring up new profits. Meanwhile, wages will remain stagnant, those of your cut-loose peers going straight into the pockets of the boss.

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The Radio and the Machete: Mass Media as a Tool of Apartheid and Massacre
Commentary Daniel Woods Commentary Daniel Woods

The Radio and the Machete: Mass Media as a Tool of Apartheid and Massacre

The game being played on the US population is an old one, a tried and tested method of manufacturing consent and enabling the worst actors to bring their most vile ambitions to fruition. Genocide is a reset switch for Capitalism, a failsafe which (successful or not) often leaves the same people/parties in power while conveniently allowing enemies and dissenters to be culled from the ranks of society generally, the masses to release the pressures of extractive society on their neighbors rather than the ones who maintain the bonds on their wrists, ankles, and throats.

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Stage 1 Ceasefire In Gaza: What Comes Next?
Commentary Daniel Woods Commentary Daniel Woods

Stage 1 Ceasefire In Gaza: What Comes Next?

We all know Trump and how he operates. Look to North Korea, a purely optical win for the President at the time, and see how this ceasefire agreement could ultimately be another similar stunt purely for the cameras and fame – without the intent or wherewithal to enforce down the line. This move by the incoming-President is not one of empathy, but one of petty politics with no intent of US enforcement after the coming week(s). Trump is concerned with legacy as much as – if not more than – Biden; as a media diva he knows exactly the routines which Liberal Democrats are now enacting as the Mummy President is soon to be wheeled from the Oval Office for the final time, well aware that the waning days of the 46th President are being used to build a wall of credibility, competence, and achievement around Biden. We all know Trump’s pettiness isn’t going to let that slide.

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