Protector’s Purpose
Pica, Simen, and the rest of 4th Squad are in trouble and in search of answers following a disturbing discovery in a town they have recently occupied. Join the ranks of Company Mellivora as they are drawn into the imperial politics at the heart of grand Avium Citadel.
“For the Beast must hunt, and so it does, finding nothing new to satiate the hunger or excite the will; the old battles with enemies gone have become meaningless as they stay locked behind walls or hide in mountain caves, unwilling to face the force which has so steadfastly destroyed all stupid enough to take the bait into the monster’s den.
And so, having consumed all within reach of tearing claw, it hungers and grows bored, gnawing at a foot and finding delight in the pain, sweetness in the blood it lets. It finds reasons to pick at sores and pull at old wounds, turning upon itself in ecstatic self-cannibalization and consuming appendages which, once strong, have become little more than a drain after generations of wealth and strength have been stripped away.
It is seen in the loss of our history that the warning of our forefathers has returned to us today: the peoples, languages, and places that once adorned our maps and stories fading under the red paint of Empire. The hunger of expansion has forced away the mysteries of the past and consolidated all it touches into the formless mass, taking away the peoples and leaving only the Nation in their stead.”
-Philosophies of Empire, Storymaster Setonix
The Quarter – Night Out
The gang, down Pellia, enjoy an evening off-the-clock in the Milkmaids' Quarter.
Heartwood District – Reprisal
The citizens of Heartwood suffer the wrath of the Protectorate.