Wasn’t International Working Womens’ Day This Weekend?

You cannot proclaim Progressive values while endorsing a President directly supplying bombs to kill women and children .

The group endorsement of Joe “Femicide” Biden by youth-led, progressive movements is a farce and a betrayal of all young voters, especially members of Gen-Z, who believe in the tenets of egalitarianism, justice, and the right to self-determination for all peoples. In fact, the voices of today’s youth have been so outwardly against status quo Democratic policy and hawkery that I am hard-pressed to understand how any of these so-called “youth-focused” organizations could make this endorsement of a blatant genocide-apologist who has been preaching the same abhorrent values since before ANY of these voters, their supposed leadership, and even myself were breathing the corrupted air of our planet.

So, what is the deal here? Who in their right minds would think that youth voters, who resoundingly reject all of the Biden administration’s excuses and false promises (just vote Blue and we’ll try again next year), would come out and endorse the dinosaur just five days after youth-led organizations such as Sunrise Movement, Gen-Z for Change, United We Dream, March for Our Lives, and a flurry of un/other-affiliated individuals released their Finish the Job Youth Agenda which underlines the exact issues young voters are talking about: social progress, welfare, and protection; meaningful work and education opportunities; radical Green action and solutions to our deregulative government; secure and appropriate housing; and an end to racial discrimination in all borderlands.

Reading the lukewarm takes of organizations such as Path to Progress, Blue Future, and Team ENOUGH who have thrown their voice behind the woefully underinformed Jack Lobel of Voters of Tomorrow, gives the impression of out-of-touch organizers copying the homework of their leftist peers. They took five days to water down a revolutionary and essential agenda into a tepid laundry list of flaccid policy and reiterated failure. These organizations who supposedly care about climate change, human dignity, women’s liberation, healthcare, racial justice, and democratic mechanisms are complete frauds in their rejection of the Finish the Job agenda and their endorsement of the imperial status quo.

And therein is the problem with these astro-turfed (or at least horrifically misled) groups: they are liberal extensions of imperialist policy whose primary goal will ALWAYS be to minimize the waves of their more radical, revolutionary, or otherized members. Lobel and his ilk either do not understand the undemocratic mechanisms of the DNC to which they are tying themselves, or they are actively undermining the causes of their peers via reactionary, liberal handwringing and policy capitulation.

Screw it, just to send this home, let’s underline what I am saying with this: all of these organizations endorsing Joe Biden instead of using their voting power to extract concessions (you know, what a Primary election is for in the first place) proclaim to support womens’ right, mental health support and awareness, ending gun violence, racial justice, safer cities, and stronger protections for all peoples; they proudly proclaim their virtues while stepping on those activist who are actually engaging with and making gains in Progressive politics nationwide. These “youth-led” organizations, who are conveniently hiding their regressive, status quo agenda behind the widely-favored agism-argument the DNC have embraced, are flatly betraying the very ideals they proclaim across all of their websites and issues sections.

One cannot proclaim progressive values while supporting the murdering of tens of thousands of innocents with US-manufactured weapons. One cannot say they are for racial justice and equity while endorsing a President who is actively promoting the demonization of Latin Americans as murderers and rapists on the border. One cannot say the Joe Biden cares about jobs when the majority of jobs created under his administration are low-paying, labor-intensive, and non-unionized positions in fast food and just-in-time logistics. One cannot say that the DNC cares about education when they have done nothing to reign in parasitic universities and their Boards who are little more than glorified real estate trusts. One cannot say that they believe in democracy while intentionally undermining the democratic processes and voices of their peers.

The “endorsement” of Genocide Joe by these organizations is a gross manipulation of the very powerful narratives which all agree exist within youth movements; they have shown that just as White Moderates allowed the institutions of slavery, Jim Crow, and mass-incarceration to exist through complacency, so too will they allow for our border with Mexico to become militarized and decorated with illegal prison camps filled with children stripped of home and family. These organizations have said that starving millions in a prison city is fine so long as it is across the planet and in the name of protecting global commerce; that demonizing survivors of imperialism is fine while the survivors of US genocide scream for justice at home.

I beg of you, cut these organizations lose. They are not representative of progressive values or youth causes. They are handing their own power to those who already have it all and resigning us all to their cowardice.

Photo: https://i.mycdn.me/image?id=866180845162&t=35&plc=WEB&tkn=*q5ymygrXf51VLwl0FrctMRdQ7a8


Why the DNC Left the Left


What Is Lesser About Genocide?