So You Want a Definition of Fascism
Slavery existed before we named the system; the idea of stolen labor a fundamental principle to the ideology of the capitalist, yet predating the invention of the definition by millennia. In fact, it was chattel slavery, the reduction of human beings to a class of livestock, which truly sowed the seeds for what Capitalism is today. Indeed, the East India Trading Company was established in 1600 and what, if not capitalist, was it if not the seizure of the means of production and distribution from the commoner for the benefit of the lords and financiers of Europe? What was the Slave Triangle if not the express theft of the means of production in its rawest form for the use of landed elites in both the Old World and New?

The Issue With University Today Is Not How Complicated Things Are, But How Incredibly Simple Everything Is.
At the center of every modern social movement, colleges and universities have historically met the times and spurred the nation onward. Often to their own peril.

Terrorism in Russia is Nothing Special, or Surprising
The fact is that terror like that seen today in Russia is no different than that seen anywhere else the roots of imperialism have begun to suck the ground dry; places like Prague, Serbia, and Germany saw in 2023 alone just the same impacts as Moscow today. At home, do I need to provide examples of the nationalistic hate that is flooding our society with violence? I’m sure we can all name at least 3.

Are You Willing to Die on the Hill Biden and the Democrats Built?
As the Dixiecratic DNC drives toward the reactionary end, we are faced with a choice that can’t, in good conscience, be made.

As The Movement Grows, The Silence Becomes Deafening
The Party for Socialism and Liberation rallies outside of Starbucks in Albuquerque, NM as the company attempts to squash labor organizing within its stores.