Identity 2024: Race and Capital in the United States
Today, the United States finds itself in a perilous state; whether looking at the plight of the poor or our many communities of color (how too often these are interchangeable), it is all but impossible to ignore the intersections that exist between the two as all except the most wealthy, educated, and socially insulated continue to slide deeper into the sucking mire of a dying nation.

It’s Time For Trains, Not More Lanes
It is high time that New Mexico recognizes the flaws in our infrastructural dependence on non-renewable vehicle infrastructure that not only does little to alleviate ever-growing congestion but also furthers our dependence on dying oil and gas industries; exponentially draining our taxes for limited, short-term gains.

WhistlinDiesel, Direct-Action, and the Activist Youth
Redneck-tuber spurs youths and farmers to collective action, exemplifies effectiveness of direct-action tactics.

It’s Time to Talk About University of New Mexico
The historically significant campus has taken a stand against administrators’ continued complacency in the ongoing genocide in Gaza; the State of New Mexico and the University have doubled down on violence against students in response.

The Next New Wave
Columbia, in embracing the same tactics today as the likes of Berkeley then, has followed the playbook the latter employed to deal with discontent from student organizers; first employing rules of respectability against protestors before resorting to armed police and expulsion to quiet the loudest elements of their student body.

Iran Is The Only Adult In The Room
While Israel demands the last word, creating a secondary obfuscation of “retaliation” against reactions from Iran, the arrogant petulance of the Western project in the Middle East is made painfully clear. From their perspective, there is no premise of self-defense against their own aggressions, no idea of justified retaliation except in their own interests; if the empire kills a foreign official on their own soil, it is the cost of business and that cost will be subsidized.

New Mexico Representative Delegation, still silent after NM Dem Party vote for pro-Gaza, anti-arms policy, continues to hide from constituents.

The Only Fools Are The Powerful Who Refuse To Act
Perhaps it is we who are the fools this year, the ones who are being dragged, kicking and screaming, through a false-democratic process with a potential genocidaire on one side and an active one and his enablers on the other. The Democratic Party, leaning as always – and as convenient – on the laurels of “tradition,” has decided that it will simply assume and accept the nomination of their one-term candidate despite the raging furor that lives within its own base at the simple thought of such an outcome.