Land Back & Free Palestine
Palestine is precedent for all Peoples including, and especially, those who are still occupied within and by the United States in the Americas and abroad. How can Western leaders, all of which are some variant of “lawyer,” not see the writing on the wall; is this the overarching reason for Biden and the DNC’s, frankly, klannish adherence to Zionism and the Western colonialism for which it stands?

Where Does Empire Turn When Brutality-Theater Fails?
It is no surprise then that the Israeli government committed to fully executing Palestinian erasure that began under British Mandatory Palestine, no doubt feeling emboldened by the weakness of our leadership and the keen awareness of the temporality of the moment in US opinion and the election season.

The Issue With University Today Is Not How Complicated Things Are, But How Incredibly Simple Everything Is.
At the center of every modern social movement, colleges and universities have historically met the times and spurred the nation onward. Often to their own peril.

Respectability Politics is Dead.
At a certain point, the facade of Respectability collapses, and the Aristocracy of the United States is exposed for what they are. Just as the supposedly socially liberal Democrats continue to ratchet rightward, adopting principles previously supported by Deplorables and gaslighting all in their wake, so too do the standards of respectability fall under the already Hell-level bar set by the most reactionary elements of the political landscape.

NM Democrats: Hypocrites in the Extreme
…based on their collaborative statement championing semiconductor funding for Intel in the state, it can be assumed that they are also willing to burn the candle at both ends by further dragging the State of New Mexico into the weapons manufacturing industry; not only denying life through limitations of food, water, and medicine into the occupied territories, but to deliver death explicitly through precision strikes on marketplaces, schools, hospitals, and refugee camps with NM-manufactured arms.

Terrorism in Russia is Nothing Special, or Surprising
The fact is that terror like that seen today in Russia is no different than that seen anywhere else the roots of imperialism have begun to suck the ground dry; places like Prague, Serbia, and Germany saw in 2023 alone just the same impacts as Moscow today. At home, do I need to provide examples of the nationalistic hate that is flooding our society with violence? I’m sure we can all name at least 3.

Are You Willing to Die on the Hill Biden and the Democrats Built?
As the Dixiecratic DNC drives toward the reactionary end, we are faced with a choice that can’t, in good conscience, be made.

As The Movement Grows, The Silence Becomes Deafening
The Party for Socialism and Liberation rallies outside of Starbucks in Albuquerque, NM as the company attempts to squash labor organizing within its stores.

TikTok, Trade Protectionism, and You.
It is ironic, of course, that our great Capitalist nation, the bastion of industry and free competition, has resorted to the tactics of the dreaded “socialist" to maintain their power; doing as they always do and cherry-picking the policies that they think work best for their own interests while remaining wholly blind to the inconsistencies of their logic.