If You Aren’t Speaking Up Today, You’ve Chosen The Side of Tyranny
The stories of Mahmoud Khalil and Jasmine Mooney tell us all we need to know about the phase of political regression in which we have found ourselves today; the monstrous, bipartisan backsteps our elected representatives have taken for 25 years have crashed into relief as we ostracize allies, condemn the freedom of expression, and begin the process of mass detainment, deportation, and dehumanization of our own neighbors.

So You Think You’re A Liberal
Do you know what the term Liberal means? For many, it brings to mind things like socially progressive, humanist and reason-guided. In the United States, the Liberal and the Left are interchangeable, amalgamated into a singular identity which manages to span the entirety of the political spectrum from right-wing war-hawks like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to Leftist revolutionaries such as Fred Hampton, Martin Luther King Jr., Eugene Debs, and John Brown. When you look at it from this perspective, that anything that isn’t exclusively fascist must be Leftist, you fall into a trap which has been set with the explicit goal of derailing your own politicization.