Cowardice, Complicity, or Collaboration: Democrats’ Dance With The Devil Reaching Predictable End
Commentary, Left Critique Daniel Woods Commentary, Left Critique Daniel Woods

Cowardice, Complicity, or Collaboration: Democrats’ Dance With The Devil Reaching Predictable End

They have played their part to the point of ruination, have sacrificed the very institutions which they guaranteed in furtherance of their own goals and at the expense of every American. While Democrats bemoan their minority position, their complete and resounding loss of legitimacy – their consistent right-ward movements – over the last years could have led nowhere else than our current predicament.

Do what you know to be right: condemn your lying representatives, begin to recall them, mobilize to primary every single one. If they won’t represent us, we will find who will.

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The Trade Wars Are Here, And It’s Worse Than We Thought
Left Critique, Commentary Daniel Woods Left Critique, Commentary Daniel Woods

The Trade Wars Are Here, And It’s Worse Than We Thought

What many of us had long suspected has been ultimately proven correct, and as the trade war begins in earnest we will all begin to see just how insidious these tariffs will be in our every day lives. US oil companies export premium crude abroad for outrageous profits in less-developed countries, meanwhile importing cheap, sour crude for more rigorous refining at a profit at home. Do you believe that increased US oil drilling will lead to cheaper prices here, or larger profits for the oil oligarchy? Will US manufacturers lower prices for Americans or simply destroy/restrict their products to stretch out their always unreachable profit goals? Do you have the $1200/year that these tariffs are expected to cost US consumers? Can you spare $100/month to make the US administration feel good about itself?

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The Worst MLK Day
Left Critique Daniel Woods Left Critique Daniel Woods

The Worst MLK Day

The most basic of needs and services, things which were once offered by reputable and regulated vendors, are now attained through third parties in privatized markets. We are surrounded by frauds, charlatans who use the language of the learned to dupe the ignorant; crypto-scams flourish, the most desperate turning to gambling as a final thrust at the mythical American Dream, their entire lived experience assuring them they are capable of attaining and - more fundamentally - owed the comfort of the suburban “norm.”

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I Don’t Care If The Democratic Party Never Holds Office Again
Left Critique Daniel Woods Left Critique Daniel Woods

I Don’t Care If The Democratic Party Never Holds Office Again

It is undeniable that our economy has tightened, that we are astride a violin string which is being pulled ever more taut beneath our ragged feet. We watch as far away the pegs turn, hear as the cords beneath us creak and groan in protest to the burden of our weight and the insistent yanking from beyond. Around us the people fall, crashing freely into the void below, the safety net we long ago built now so full of holes as to be nonexistent.

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The Radio and the Machete: Mass Media as a Tool of Apartheid and Massacre
Commentary Daniel Woods Commentary Daniel Woods

The Radio and the Machete: Mass Media as a Tool of Apartheid and Massacre

The game being played on the US population is an old one, a tried and tested method of manufacturing consent and enabling the worst actors to bring their most vile ambitions to fruition. Genocide is a reset switch for Capitalism, a failsafe which (successful or not) often leaves the same people/parties in power while conveniently allowing enemies and dissenters to be culled from the ranks of society generally, the masses to release the pressures of extractive society on their neighbors rather than the ones who maintain the bonds on their wrists, ankles, and throats.

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Identity 2024: Race and Capital in the United States
Left Critique Daniel Woods Left Critique Daniel Woods

Identity 2024: Race and Capital in the United States

Today, the United States finds itself in a perilous state; whether looking at the plight of the poor or our many communities of color (how too often these are interchangeable), it is all but impossible to ignore the intersections that exist between the two as all except the most wealthy, educated, and socially insulated continue to slide deeper into the sucking mire of a dying nation.

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Terrorism in Russia is Nothing Special, or Surprising
International Affairs Daniel Woods International Affairs Daniel Woods

Terrorism in Russia is Nothing Special, or Surprising

The fact is that terror like that seen today in Russia is no different than that seen anywhere else the roots of imperialism have begun to suck the ground dry; places like Prague, Serbia, and Germany saw in 2023 alone just the same impacts as Moscow today. At home, do I need to provide examples of the nationalistic hate that is flooding our society with violence? I’m sure we can all name at least 3.

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