I Don’t Care If The Democratic Party Never Holds Office Again
It is undeniable that our economy has tightened, that we are astride a violin string which is being pulled ever more taut beneath our ragged feet. We watch as far away the pegs turn, hear as the cords beneath us creak and groan in protest to the burden of our weight and the insistent yanking from beyond. Around us the people fall, crashing freely into the void below, the safety net we long ago built now so full of holes as to be nonexistent.

Convict, Hotshot, or Municipal Firefighters: Which Side Are You On?
It is understandable and reasonable that many of you feel slighted by the overwhelming attention that convict crews are getting. As many of you have mentioned, it isn’t uncommon for news media to focus almost exclusively on these populations and it can feel like they are doing so intentionally despite the clear needs of non-convict crews – and I assure you, we hear you on the Left as much as we hear the convict crew even if you don’t have the informational streams to hear us talking back. But I implore you, please, look at this structure for what it is: worker manipulation and disempowerment.

Do You Deserve to Retire?
Your benefit to society is not measured by your ability to drive a nail, drop off a letter, or run a checkout line; your value is not equivalent to moving boxes, driving trucks, planting seed, or cleaning rooms. You deserve to be secure in all stages of life irrespective of your ability to directly input in the most “valuable” forms of work in society, the current discussion around Social Security shows that Liberals of both party-designations can only see you through the lens of disposable parts.