The Trade Wars Are Here, And It’s Worse Than We Thought
What many of us had long suspected has been ultimately proven correct, and as the trade war begins in earnest we will all begin to see just how insidious these tariffs will be in our every day lives. US oil companies export premium crude abroad for outrageous profits in less-developed countries, meanwhile importing cheap, sour crude for more rigorous refining at a profit at home. Do you believe that increased US oil drilling will lead to cheaper prices here, or larger profits for the oil oligarchy? Will US manufacturers lower prices for Americans or simply destroy/restrict their products to stretch out their always unreachable profit goals? Do you have the $1200/year that these tariffs are expected to cost US consumers? Can you spare $100/month to make the US administration feel good about itself?

Occupied Palestine = Slaveholder America
The dream of the Zionist is an ahistorical Palestine that they can romanticize into a brave, but anachronistic people who were minor elements in the Manifest Destiny of an Israel that occupies all the land “between the Sea and the Jordan.” Now the occupying power has been forced into a choice, reaping the gruesome rewards of their hybrid reservation-plantation system of exploitation; seeing that the only way to ensure their dominance in the region, to halt resistance to their injustice, is to eradicate the indigenous population entirely through either bombs, poison, or exile into the Sinai Peninsula.

Iran Is The Only Adult In The Room
While Israel demands the last word, creating a secondary obfuscation of “retaliation” against reactions from Iran, the arrogant petulance of the Western project in the Middle East is made painfully clear. From their perspective, there is no premise of self-defense against their own aggressions, no idea of justified retaliation except in their own interests; if the empire kills a foreign official on their own soil, it is the cost of business and that cost will be subsidized.

Terrorism in Russia is Nothing Special, or Surprising
The fact is that terror like that seen today in Russia is no different than that seen anywhere else the roots of imperialism have begun to suck the ground dry; places like Prague, Serbia, and Germany saw in 2023 alone just the same impacts as Moscow today. At home, do I need to provide examples of the nationalistic hate that is flooding our society with violence? I’m sure we can all name at least 3.

TikTok, Trade Protectionism, and You.
It is ironic, of course, that our great Capitalist nation, the bastion of industry and free competition, has resorted to the tactics of the dreaded “socialist" to maintain their power; doing as they always do and cherry-picking the policies that they think work best for their own interests while remaining wholly blind to the inconsistencies of their logic.